السبت، 29 فبراير 2020

How to Pick the Perfect Avocado | Home Guides

Tips for a Perfect Avocado with organic diet guide :

If you dote a tasty bowl of guacamole or plate of avocado toast, you ken how ambrosial avocados can be. But the key to any recipe is commencing with good avocados. It can be tricky to pick out the best fruit when you’re at the grocery store or farmer’s market, but once you ken what to probe for and how to determine the best level of ripeness for your desiderata, you can always peregrinate home with a good avocado.

Testing Avocadoes for Ripeness

Fixate on the avocadoes’ color. The first thing that you’ll probably notice about avocados at a store is their color. Ripe avocados are typically a dark, virtually ebony color with allusions of green when they’re ripe. If you opt to utilize the avocado as anon as you get home, optate one that is tenebrous. If you orchestrate to utilize one in a couple of days, cull one that’s more green.

Keep in mind that color isn’t the only factor that you should consider when probing for a ripe avocado. Always test it by touch additionally.

If an avocado looks ripe, you should still feel it to test its ripeness. Hold it in the palm of your hand, and constrict gently. A ripe avocado should yield to firm, gentle pressure, but shouldn’t feel inordinately soft or mushy.

If an avocado feels firm or hard, it isn’t ripe yet. Purchase it only if you orchestrate to utilize the fruit several days in the future.

If an avocado feels soft, it’s overripe so you should eschew it.

The harder that an avocado is, the longer that it will likely take for it to ripen.

Some varieties of avocado have more oil in them than others, which betokens they have a higher fat content. If you optate to maintain a salubrious low-fat diet, optate a variety that has a lower oil content.

Keep unripened avocados in a paper bag. If you purchase an avocado that hasn’t ripened yet, you can omit it on your counter to ripen in four to five days.

To avail the fruit ripen more expeditiously, place it in a brown paper bag with an apple or banana, which release ethylene gas that avails the avocado ripen in two to three days.

Keep the paper bag with the avocados out of direct sunlight to ascertain that they don’t become overripe.

When you abstract the avocados from the bag, test their ripeness by pressing against the skin lightly. It should be tender but not mushy.

Why You Need to Know Your Body Fat Percentage?

What Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

If you have any extra body fat such as… Belly fat…or even back fat Here just take this test Just simply take your hands and open them like so Spread them around either side of your belly and pinch.

You see this fat in your hand?

  • This fat is stored deep in your body, surrounding your vital organs and is extremely dangerous and a cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, arthritis and other obesity related issues.
  • It’s also the cause of numerous other issues such as joint pain, back pains and other frustrating pains.
  • Now, this fat is unlike your normal fat and it is very difficult to eliminate if you don’t know how to target it.
  • Which explains why it’s so hard for you to lose stubborn body fat and trim away inches But more importantly, keep ALL of it off for good.
  • As She Turned 40 Her Body Started To Change As She Fell Victim To The Countless Lies Of The Diet And Weight Loss Industry.
  • She Ended Up In A Downward Spiral Of Continuous Weight Gain and see all those starvation diets were simply destroying her gut health and fat burning hormones.
  • And after one of those high intensity work-outs broke her hip…she struggled even to walk…which made things worse!

  • if you’ve ever struggled with your body fat I want you to know that…It’s not your fault.
  • The real problem is the fact that you’ve been lied to for year and these lies are keeping you from the body you desire and deserve…and In fact, according to the world health organization over 75% of American’s are overweight and have excess body fat!
  • All because of the ridiculous lies from the major health corporations Some of these lies include:
  • Cutting Back On Your Calories To Lose Weight Or To Go Low Carb Diets Performing Joint Busting HigH Intensity Work-Outs.
  • Buying Ridiculously Expensive Supplements/Machines I bet you’ve heard some of these or maybe even believed it.
  • but these are not even close to the truth. You see cutting back on your calories is the absolute worst thing you can do if you are over 40.
  • The moment you starve yourself…or go “low carb” Your body will go into “survival” mode and raise its level of cortisol so that you retain more fat as it thinks you are being starved.
  • Even worse, your stomach stops producing healthy bile and bacterial that helps digest your food properly so it’s used as fuel and not stored as fat.
  • And this make it impossible for you to lose a single pound of body fat and Those insane high intensity work-outs?
  • They were not designed for anyone over 40 where your risks of injury is so much higher.
  • If you are one of the millions who fell victim to these lies, then you must continue watching this short presentation because after you finish.

الخميس، 27 فبراير 2020

14 weight loss tips For Busy Mother | Eat with your children

Just breathe
Try this quick self-hypnosis trick to reprogram yourself to make the right decisions. “Breathe in for four counts and then out for eight counts. Repeat the mantra ‘I am in control’ 20 times – and watch your self-belief skyrocket,” Lisa says.

Make sure the entire household knows that you’re serious about losing weight. Print out a monthly calendar and schedule in your workouts. “Put it up on the fridge so everyone knows that’s Mum’s special time. Tick off each workout when you’ve completed it,” says Kylie.

Put your health first

It’s common for busy mums to put themselves last on the to-do list, but prioritising your own health and wellbeing is essential. “The truth is if you can’t make the time to maintain your health, eventually you will have to make the time for illness,” says weight-loss mindset coach Kylie Ryan. “If you want healthy, happy kids, you must be healthy and happy.”

Slow and steady wins the race

Steer clear of quick fixes and opt instead for steady, sustainable weight loss through healthy eating and exercise.

Be honest with yourself

What’s really stopping you from shedding those unwanted kilos? “Write a list of things that are getting in the way – both internal and external excuses, within and outside of your control,” advises celebrity trainer Michelle Bridges, founder of the 12 Week Body Transformation program. “This will help you realise what’s holding you back, and which barriers you can tackle.”

Get organised

Plan your family’s meals a week or even a month ahead. “This will save you money, and better still, you’ll only have to think ‘what’s for dinner?’ once a week,” says Clare Collins, a professor in nutrition and dietetics at the University of Newcastle. “Simple meals can be easy to prepare, fast to cook and taste great.”

Find a cheer squad

Support is essential in any weight-loss plan. “Surround yourself with people who want to achieve the same goals as you. Instead of meeting friends for a coffee, go for a power walk or run, or do a yoga class together,” says personal trainer and mum-of-three Mireille Ryan.

Water yourself to weight loss, lovely flower

Don’t forget to do this every day. Drink water! Lots of it! Keep hydrated and drink before meals, not during so as to not cause bloating and interfere with the digestive process.

Slow down

Eating slowly gives your brain time to register that you’re full. Put extra effort into the preparation and presentation of your meals and really savour every mouthful. Switch the TV off, too. “People eat up to 44 percent more when they’re glued to the TV as they’re too distracted to notice how much they’ve eaten,” says clinical hypnotherapist Lisa Jackson, author of Adore Yourself Slim (Simon & Schuster).

Don’t try to be a Masterchef

Cook one healthy evening meal for the whole family instead of catering for multiple tastes. “Children gradually accept new tastes by repeated exposure to them. Rather than heading to the kitchen to cook another dish, praise them for trying something new,” Professor Collins says.

Check in with your appetite

Before you reach for that sugary snack, stop and ask yourself, ‘Am I really hungry?’
“It’s normal to do some non-hungry eating, but when we do too much, it can tip our eating out of balance,” Dr Kausman says.

Schedule exercise around the kids

“Look at what your kids are up to during the week and plan your exercise around their timetable,” says Mireille. “When my daughter has swimming lessons, I go for a 30-minute run. I also take my kids to the park and run while they chase me on their bikes.”

Don’t pick at leftovers

Eating the kids’ leftovers can add up to the equivalent of an extra meal. “Serve up small portions to start with and then let the kids ask for more if they’re still hungry,” says Professor Collins.

Eat regular, healthy snacks

As mums, it’s easy to get so busy that we ignore our body’s hungry signals – and it’s much harder to eat slowly when we’re ravenous. “It can be helpful to have some snacks with us just in case we start to

A Guide to Best Organic Health Foods Organic Food Guide | Real Simple

Organic Food Guide

Are you jaded with quick fix weight loss diets that don’t work or are you unable to eat healthy food owing to your busy work schedule? Due to our hectic life styles, we often make the mistake of compromising on our diets.

This makes it increasingly difficult to shed weight or maintain good health. How often have we resorted to miracle diets and potions, albeit to no avail? Well there is no cause for concern as we are about to introduce to you a natural and effective alternative that will end all your dietary woes.

Organic health foods popularly known as ‘super foods’ are all the rage today and here’s why: grown organically, super foods are packed with all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that promote good health and help you stay in shape.

In this article we shall discuss some of the best organic health foods that are available in the market today:

Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

Once called “the gold of the Incas,” and known to increase the stamina of Inca warriors this grain is steadily gaining popularity as health food in the world. This is due to that fact that it is high in protein, and not only high protein, but it supplies the complete protein, which includes all nine essential amino acids. Besides this, it is a very good source of manganese also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, and folate this grain ensures benefits for persons with diabetes, migraine headaches, and atherosclerosis.

Goji Berries

Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

The Gojii Berry is a much-revered fruit in East Asia, due to its myriad medicinal properties. Also known as wolfberry, this natural super food is believed to bolster the immune system, improve circulation, enhance fertility and improve the eyesight. Goji berries can be eaten raw, made into wine or brewed into herbal tea.

Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

Kiwi is one of the only fruits that contain Vitamin E, which nourishes the skin and prevents aging. The Kiwi fruit is packed with vitamins including vitamin A and vitamin C and is also a veritable source of antioxidants. What’s more, the Kiwi is also a delectable choice for various salads and deserts. Due to its high fiber content, the kiwi fruit can also be used as a mild laxative to promote regular bowel movement.


Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

America’s favorite vegetable, Broccoli has become synonymous with the organic health food market. This super food is packed with a whole host of vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C and most importantly vitamin K, which is responsible for building a strong bone structure. Due to its high fiber content, Broccoli acts as mucilage and is a definitive choice for dieters and weight watchers.

Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

Berries are a great choice for those with a sweet tooth. Not only do they taste great, but also come packed with a variety of nutrients that are required by the body. Berries are a rich source of antioxidants and phytonutrients and can be safely eaten by weight watchers as they are very low in calories. Besides, berries have a high content of water and fiber that helps to maintain blood sugar levels in the body. Berries add a delectable flavor to a variety of dishes, salads and cereals, making them a versatile choice for dieters.


Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

Although nuts may have a high fat content, their nutritional benefits far outweigh their high calorie count. When consumed in small portions, nuts are a very good source of protein. Including nuts into your diet would help you lower cholesterol levels and help you lose weight. Nuts also contain a high amount of fiber and antioxidants, which are so beneficial for the body. Not only do they taste great but are also quite filling, which make them a healthy portable snack for those on the move.

Low-fat Yogurt

Low-fat yogurt is a very healthy and nutritious alternative for people who are lactose intolerant. In fact, this super food has higher calcium content than most dairy products and comes packed with a powerhouse of other vital nutrients. The presence of probiotics in yogurt promotes a healthy digestive system as it creates a healthy balance of bacteria in the intestine.
Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

Natures very own gift to mankind, the Avocado is a rich source of oleic acid. This monosaturated fat present in the fruit helps to reduce cholesterol in the body. According to a recent study conducted on people with high cholesterol levels, individuals who included avocados in their diet showed a marked decrease in their cholesterol levels.

This is due to the high potassium content in avocado, which helps to regulate blood pressure and prevents the onset of heart diseases. Further research has indicated that avocado contains a high concentrate of the carotenoid known as lutein. The presence of carotenoids and tocopherols (better known as vitamin E) in avocado has been found to stem the growth of prostate cancer cells. Given its enormous nutritional value, including slices of avocado in your diet would greatly help your body to absorb the carotenoids from the vegetables and fruits that you consume daily.
Organic Health Foods
Organic Health Foods

الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2020

Best Plant-Based in 2020 | US News Best Diets

It’s Great For The Environment

With climate change consuming headlines left and right, cutting down on animal products is a simple way you can make an impact.

“From both a water and greenhouse gas emissions perspective, the production of plants and plant-based foods is significantly better for the environment than the production of animal products,” says Martin.

In fact, the Institute for Water Education has long shown that plant agriculture requires less water—and preserves more land—than animal-centric agriculture.

It Could Save You Money

You may associate a more veggie-forward diet with pricey farmers’ markets and all organic price tags. However, plant-based diets can be great for keeping costs low if you shop smart.

“You’ll get much more for your money when comparing plant proteins, such as beans, lentils, peas, and whole grains, to high-quality meat products,” says dietitian Kelly Jones, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN.

However, if you dine out often or opt for fancy new vegan packaged products, costs can add up, she warns. To make plant-based eating as cost-effective as possible, limit packaged products and focus on whole foods, instead.

It’s Good For Your Health!

There’s not denying it: Eating more plants are just plain good for you.

“Plant-based diets are associated with lower blood pressure, lower total cholesterol, and increased HDL cholesterol, a.k.a. ‘good’ cholesterol,” says Martin. In fact, one study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases linked vegetarian diets with a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease.

Plus, “plant foods, like fruits and vegetables, are typically high in fiber, which can help fill you up for little calories,” says Martin. As a result, eating a plant-based diet can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Ready to put more plants on your plate? Just follow these four steps.

Beginner’s Guide to a Plant-Based Diet:

Look At Your Current Diet Whether you plan to become a full-on vegan or to simply reduce your intake of animal products, you don’t have to go all-out all at once. Instead, slowly transition your current eats to suit your goals.

Look at your last week or so of meals. Are any of your go-to’s already plant-based? (Think oatmeal, bean-based chili, or hummus and veggie sandwiches.) Incorporate those meals more often or try out some of these plant-based recipes.

“If you are looking to improve your environmental footprint and your health, consider reducing your portion sizes of meats and dairy, and choosing at least one meal per day that is free of animal products,” suggests Jones.

From there, continue shifting away from the animal foods week by week.

Prioritize Protein
As you remove animal products, make sure to replace them with adequate plant protein sources—especially if you’re active.

Start by swapping plant-based proteins, like lentils, tempeh, and beans, into your favorite meat-based recipes, suggests Jones. “I often bake tofu while I roast vegetables to cut down on time, and use canned beans in crockpot chili,” she says.

If you still struggle to reach your protein goals, consider a plant-based protein supplement like plnt brand’s Plant Protein.

Consider Supplementation

“While plants technically could provide enough of all essential nutrients, our modern agricultural system and habits can make adequate intake of certain nutrients nearly impossible on a vegan diet,” warns Jones.

To cover any potential nutrient gaps, make sure a quality multivitamin is part of your routine

Vitamin D

Though vitamin D is tricky to get from food, it’s primarily found in fatty fish, beef liver, and eggs, explains Martin. In addition to getting outdoors for some sun exposure, plant-based eaters may need to incorporate fortified foods and supplements (try The Vitamin Shoppe brand Vitamin D3) to meet their needs, she suggests.

Vitamin B12

Though plant-based eaters don’t necessarily need more vitamin B12 than meat-centric eaters, they may have a harder time meeting their needs, says Martin.

Why? We typically get vitamin B12 from animal foods.

To meet their needs, plant-based eaters can get vitamin B12 from fortified foods, nutritional yeast (a vitamin B12-rich seasoning), and supplements (try The Vitamin Shoppe Brand Vitamin B12.).

Iron, which we typically get from animal proteins can also be an issue for meat-free (or low-meat) eaters, says Martin. Menstruating women, in particular, have greater risk of falling short, since they have higher iron needs than men.

Thing is, we don’t absorb the iron in plant foods as well as that in animal foods, so plant eaters often need to consume about twice as much iron as their carnivorous counterparts, Martin says.

Vegetarians who do not eat meat, poultry, and seafood need almost twice these amounts because the body doesn’t absorb the iron found in plant foods as well as the iron found in animal foods, Martin explains. There are various sources though, like legumes (i.e. beans, peas), grains, nut, seeds, and dark leafy greens like spinach.

Luckily, this is pretty easily remedied. Many plant foods (like legumes, grain, nuts, seeds, and dark, leafy greens) are good sources of iron, says Martin. Green and brown lentils, for example, provide 30 percent of your daily value.

To increase your absorption of plant iron, Jones recommends pairing your iron-containing foods with vitamin C-containing foods, like peppers, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, and even potatoes.


Since you can’t load up on fatty fish on a plant-based diet, you’ll need to find other ways to supplement your diet with omega-3s.

Martin recommends incorporating plenty of plant-based sources of omega-3s, like flaxseeds and walnuts, into your diet.

7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods

organic protein foods
organic protein foods

which lean proteins you should be eating?

First of all, “all pulses are filled with fiber,” says Monica Auslander Moreno, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition. “Most folks know that fiber can contribute to a healthy bowel, but it also helps balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels.”

Plus, the fibers found in pulses are known as prebiotic fibers, meaning they nourish the probiotic microbiome communities in your gut, as well.In addition to being inexpensive, sustainable, and incredibly versatile, pulses offer a variety of nutritional benefits.

Orgain Organic Protein And Super Foods:

Black Lentils

“Most folks aren’t acquainted with the humble black lentil; but they are a chewy, fine addition to any meal,” says Moreno. Black lentils are rich in zinc and folate, in addition to providing 12 grams of protein per half a cup.

organic protein foods
organic protein foods
Another perk of black lentils: “They aren’t as mushy as other lentils,” says Moreno. Try them plain with your favorite spices, in soups, or in these Crispy Black Lentil Falafel Bites.

Providing nine grams of protein per half a cup, green lentils are also rich in iron, a nutrient many women and active individuals need more of. They also pack more potassium than a banana!

7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
“I recommend green lentils often, since many meat lovers prefer their texture over beans as a ground beef replacement,” says Jones. Next time you’re craving a burger but want to go meat-free, try making lentil patties (or these Lentil Walnut Tacos).

Probably the most forgotten-about of the pulses, split peas look somewhat like lentils in their raw, dried form. A double-whammy of satiating nutrition, half a cup contains eight grams of both fiber and protein, says Kelly Jones, Like green lentils, they’re also high in potassium.

7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
Roussell recommends using split peas to make split pea soup, or simply adding half a cup to salads.


hummus! A pulse many of us know well, chickpeas (a.k.a. garbanzo beans) pack a little less than eight grams of protein per half a cup, along with minerals like magnesium and calcium, and vitamin B6.

7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods

Chickpeas are delicious in everything from dips to falafel to Indian-style curries. To make your own hummus, Moreno recommends blending shelled chickpeas with tahini, garlic, olive oil, and a touch of lemon and salt—it’s that simple!

Black Beans

Rich in calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamin B6, black beans contain a little more than seven grams of protein—and eight grams of fiber—per half a cup.

7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
Moreno’s favorite way to use black beans: BROWNIES! Instead of egg and oil, Moreno blends a can of strained, pureed black beans into dry brownie mix. “They bake just the same in the oven and come out fudgy and packed with protein,” she says.

Kidney Beans
Kidney beans provide just shy of seven grams of protein per half a cup, along with about five grams of fiber and some vitamin C, says Moreno.

7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods
7 High Protein Foods – organic diet guide | organic protein foods

“Shaped like kidneys, kidney beans are often cooked into Indian curries,” she says. (They’re also delicious in this Vegetarian Chipotle Three-Bean Chili or this One-Pot Turkey Taco Soup.)

Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home

Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home
Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home

Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home
Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home

  • Description of the Dash Eating Plan- Dash Eating Plan
  • Dash is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps create a heart-healthy eating style for life.
  • The DASH eating plan requires no special foods and instead provides daily and weekly nutritional goals. This plan recommends:
  • Eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
  • Including fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils
  • Limiting foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils
  • Limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets.
  • Health Benefits of the Dash Eating Plan- Dash Eating Plan.
Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home
Best Organic Diet Plans For Weight Loss | Lose Weight at Home

The Dash eating plan is just one key part of a heart-healthy lifestyle, and combining it with other lifestyle changes such as physical activity can help you control your blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol for life.

To help prevent and control high blood pressure:

  • Be physically active.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Manage and cope with stress.
  • Other lifestyle changes can improve your overall health, such as:
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • To help make lifelong lifestyle changes, try making one change at a time and add another when you feel that you have successfully adopted the earlier changes. When you practice several healthy lifestyle habits, you are more likely to achieve and maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The Dash Diet for Health:

  • The Dash diet is especially recommended for people with hypertension (high blood pressure) or prehypertension.
  • The Dash diet eating plan has been proven to lower blood pressure in studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).
  • In addition to being a low salt (or low sodium) plan, the Dash diet provides additional benefits to reduce blood pressure. It is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy, with whole grains.
  • It is a high fiber, low to moderate fat diet, rich in potasium, calcium, and magnesium. The full Dash diet plan is shown here.
  • The Dash diet is a healthy plan, designed for the whole family.

الاثنين، 24 فبراير 2020

Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!

What does “organic” mean?

The term “organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. While the regulations vary from country to country, in the U.S., organic crops must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers.

Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!
Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!

Organic livestock raised for meat, eggs, and dairy products must have access to the outdoors and be given organic feed. They may not be given antibiotics, growth hormones, or any animal by-products.

Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?

Fruits and vegetables where the organic label matters most According to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that analyzes the results of government pesticide testing in the U.S., the following fruits and vegetables have the highest pesticide levels so are best to buy organic:

Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!
Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!

  • Apples
  • Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Potatoes
  • Grapes
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Kale/Collard Greens
  • Summer Squash
  • Nectarines (imported)
  • Peaches
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Hot Peppers
  • Fruits and vegetables you DON’T need to buy organic
  • Known as the “Clean 15”, these conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are generally low in pesticides.
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet Corn
  • Eggplant
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Onion
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Sweet Peas (frozen)
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Grapefruit
  • Cantaloupe

Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!
Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!

How your food is grown or raised can have a major impact on your mental and emotional health as well as the environment. Organic foods often have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally-grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives often find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods.

Organic produce contains fewer pesticides. Chemicals such as fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are widely used in conventional agriculture and residues remain on (and in) the food we eat.

Organic food is often fresher because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is often (but not always, so watch where it is from) produced on smaller farms near where it is sold.

Organic farming is better for the environment. Organic farming practices reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy. Farming without pesticides is also better for nearby birds and animals as well as people who live close to farms.

Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!
Organic Foods: What You Need to Know What does “organic” mean? Why Is Organic Food Getting More Popular ?!

Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts. Feeding livestock animal byproducts increases the risk of mad cow disease (BSE) and the use of antibiotics can create antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Organically-raised animals are given more space to move around and access to the outdoors, which help to keep them healthy.

Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients. Results of a 2016 European study show that levels of certain nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, were up to 50 percent higher in organic meat and milk than in conventionally raised versions.

Organic food is GMO-free. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) foods are plants whose DNA has been altered in ways that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding, most commonly in order to be resistant to pesticides or produce an insecticide.

Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby

Mom's Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby | Benefits Of Organic Baby Food

Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby
Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby

As parents we want the best for our babies—and that includes feeding our little ones the healthiest food possible. If you have the luxury of growing your fruits and vegetables in the backyard

From baby formula to baby cereals and pureed meals, here are some the best organic baby food selections for babies of all ages.

Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby
Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby

Why organic baby food is best?

Of course, you don’t have to go organic to provide baby with healthy food: Conventional foods have the same vitamins, minerals and other nutrients as organic options, and often at a fraction of the cost. But there are several key reasons you may want to opt for organic baby.

  1. Avocados.
  2. Corn.
  3. Pineapple.
  4. Mangoes.
  5. Onions.
  6. Sweet potatoes.
  7. Asparagus.
  8. Sweet peas.
  9. Kiwis.
  10. Cantaloupes.
  11. Tomatoes.
  12. Cabbage.
  13. Eggplants.
  14. Grapefruit.
  15. Watermelon.

Stage 1

foods are for babies age 4-6 months. Stage 1 consists of single-ingredient purees. These purees should be very smooth with no lumps or complicated textures. They do not contain meat, eggs or dairy – Only fruits, vegetables or single cereals like oats. It is best to feed your baby single ingredients at a time so that you can keep an eye out for food allergies or sensitivities.

Wait a few days before introducing new foods during this stage. Once you know your baby is not sensitive to particular foods, you can start mixing it up with blends. Keep in mind that during Stage 1, your baby’s main source of nutrition should still be breast milk. Stage 1 is about introducing new flavors and textures to your bay, and giving them a chance to get comfortable with using their mouth for eating.

Don’t be surprised if they spit out most of what you feed them during this time – Learning to spit food out is an important milestone on the road to chewing and swallowing!

Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby
Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby
Stage 2

foods are for babies aged 6-8 months. Stage 2 foods are fruit, vegetable, and grain blends. These contain around two to four ingredients, and may e strained instead of pureed. this gives Stage 2 foods a bit more texture as your baby is starting to learn how to chew and swallow.

Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby
Mom’s Guide to Buying Organic Food for baby

Your baby will probably start eating more than they spit out during this time, so stage 2 foods often com in larger containers than Stage 1.

Stage 3

foods are for babies 8-10 months old and up. These are more complex blends, with a lot of texture and new foods in them. They may contain dairy, meat or eggs, but there are also vegetarian options since a lot of parents choose not to introduce animal products until after one year or later.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

Should You Buy Organic Food? Help You Buy Organic Food For Less! | Foods You Should Always Buy Organic: The Dirty Dozen Plus

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

  1. keep in mind that maintaining your family’s health is not the only reason to optate organic pabulum. 
  2. Pesticide and herbicide use contaminates groundwater, ruins soil structures and promotes erosion, and may be a contributor to “colony collapse disorder,” the sudden and inscrutable die-off of pollinating honeybees that threatens the American pabulum supply. 
  3. When making your grocery-store game plan, sorting out which fruits and vegetables on your list you should buy organic can be a confusing task. Growing practices can affect produce, allowing the food to absorb pesticides and therefore leaving trace amounts in your meals. Buying organic, however, can limit your exposure to extra pesticides and insecticides. 
  4. Each year the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization, releases a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce that lists fruits and vegetables with the highest and lowest pesticide residues. The produce is tested after it’s brought home from the grocery store and washed, just like you would do at home. 
  5. At organicdietguide, we encourage readers to eat more fruit and vegetables, whether they’re organic or not. If buying many organic foods isn’t affordable or feasible for you, then a good strategy may be to buy organic versions of specific produce that ranks among the most heavily contaminated. Conventional foods that are least contaminated can save you some money.

Kale makes the list in 2019 for the first time in 10 years. Over 92 percent of conventional kale samples tested positive for two or more pesticide residues. 2009 was the last year the USDA provided testing data on kale until this year and some samples contained over 18 different pesticide residues. 60 percent of the kale samples tested had traces of DCPA (Dacthal) which is banned in the European Union and classified as a potential human carcinogen by the EPA.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic


Almost all of the conventional nectarine samples, 94 percent, contained two or more pesticides. One sample even included residue from 15 different pesticides.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

Like their cousin the nectarine, almost all of the conventional peach samples, a staggering 99 percent, contained pesticide residues. On average, conventional peaches were found to have residues of four different pesticides.


Strawberries remain atop the list as the most pesticide-contaminated food. According to the Environmental Working Group, more than 90 percent of the strawberries sampled tested positive for two or more pesticides. If you’re concerned about pesticides, this is one time the extra cost may be warranted for peace of mind.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic


The average conventionally grown tomato tested positive for nearly four types of pesticides. One sample even contained 15 various pesticides and breakdown products.

It’s easy to find organic canned tomatoes and tomato products, as well, which may be a more affordable way to enjoy organic tomatoes.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

Pesticides were found to be in more than 95 percent of conventional celery samples. Thirteen different pesticides were detected on one celery sample.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

By weight, conventional potatoes have more pesticide residues than any other crop tested by the Environmental Working Group. One pesticide, which has been reported to negatively impact the central nervous system, made up the bulk of the residues detected.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

Spinach has more pesticide residue by weight (remember spinach leaves weigh very little) compared to any other produce tested. Relatively high concentrations of permethrin, a known neurotoxin, were found on many samples.

New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic
New 2020 Dirty Dozen List: What Produce to Always Buy Organic

Spinach is an easy food to buy organic-many grocery stores carry organic spinach and baby spinach in the fresh produce section, as well as frozen organic spinach. Spinach is great in salad, and when it’s not as crisp it’s wonderful in smoothies and cooked down in pasta dishes and soups.

You don’t have to make over your grocery list overnight and begin buying only organic produce. We recognize that organic produce is often more expensive the conventional produce. Instead, you should pick and choose where to put your money. This list should be taken as a guide for making healthier choices. There’s no wrong way to use this list, whether that’s choosing to buy organic tomato sauce or seeking out organic apple growers near you.

How to Pick the Perfect Avocado

Pick the Perfect Avocado! Thankfully we’ve picked up a few tips when it comes to selecting, storing, and prepping avocados so we can maximiz...