السبت، 29 فبراير 2020

Why You Need to Know Your Body Fat Percentage?

What Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage?

If you have any extra body fat such as… Belly fat…or even back fat Here just take this test Just simply take your hands and open them like so Spread them around either side of your belly and pinch.

You see this fat in your hand?

  • This fat is stored deep in your body, surrounding your vital organs and is extremely dangerous and a cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, arthritis and other obesity related issues.
  • It’s also the cause of numerous other issues such as joint pain, back pains and other frustrating pains.
  • Now, this fat is unlike your normal fat and it is very difficult to eliminate if you don’t know how to target it.
  • Which explains why it’s so hard for you to lose stubborn body fat and trim away inches But more importantly, keep ALL of it off for good.
  • As She Turned 40 Her Body Started To Change As She Fell Victim To The Countless Lies Of The Diet And Weight Loss Industry.
  • She Ended Up In A Downward Spiral Of Continuous Weight Gain and see all those starvation diets were simply destroying her gut health and fat burning hormones.
  • And after one of those high intensity work-outs broke her hip…she struggled even to walk…which made things worse!

  • if you’ve ever struggled with your body fat I want you to know that…It’s not your fault.
  • The real problem is the fact that you’ve been lied to for year and these lies are keeping you from the body you desire and deserve…and In fact, according to the world health organization over 75% of American’s are overweight and have excess body fat!
  • All because of the ridiculous lies from the major health corporations Some of these lies include:
  • Cutting Back On Your Calories To Lose Weight Or To Go Low Carb Diets Performing Joint Busting HigH Intensity Work-Outs.
  • Buying Ridiculously Expensive Supplements/Machines I bet you’ve heard some of these or maybe even believed it.
  • but these are not even close to the truth. You see cutting back on your calories is the absolute worst thing you can do if you are over 40.
  • The moment you starve yourself…or go “low carb” Your body will go into “survival” mode and raise its level of cortisol so that you retain more fat as it thinks you are being starved.
  • Even worse, your stomach stops producing healthy bile and bacterial that helps digest your food properly so it’s used as fuel and not stored as fat.
  • And this make it impossible for you to lose a single pound of body fat and Those insane high intensity work-outs?
  • They were not designed for anyone over 40 where your risks of injury is so much higher.
  • If you are one of the millions who fell victim to these lies, then you must continue watching this short presentation because after you finish.

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