السبت، 21 مارس 2020

how to Exercising During Pregnancy for weight loss?

Exercise During Pregnancy

Firstly Marathons are generally not recommended for pregnant women and you should probably avoid contact sports until after your baby is born. If your nausea and fatigue are getting in the way, keep in mind that it passes.

So Walking and swimming are fabulous exercises for expectant moms. A brisk walk for 20-30 minutes each day can be a fun way to add physical activity to your day.

You’ll sleep better, improve your mood and reduce stress, keep weight off before and after delivery, lower the likelihood of a cesarean section and premature birth, and reduce the risk of type II diabetes for your baby.

These two activities are some of the best cardiovascular workouts for pregnant women. All you need is a comfortable pair of supportive shoes, and you’ll be on your way to building endurance and strengthening your heart. Aim for a moderate increase in your heart rate — no sprints necessary — and start at a comfortable pace before gradually increasing your stride.

Touted as one of the safest full-body exercises for pregnant women, swimming combines cardiovascular benefits with muscle-building for arms and legs. 

Moreover, swimming may reduce swelling in your hands, ankles, and feet, and it is an excellent low-impact workout for women experiencing lower back pain.

As long as your dance routine does not include jumping, leaping, or twirling, feel free to keep your heart pounding to the beat of your favorite music. If you don’t like to dance, consider joining a group aerobics class — there are even some designed specifically for moms-to-be.

In a prenatal exercise class, you can enjoy the company and camaraderie of other future mothers and have the security of knowing every movement has been designed for safety.

If you are already comfortable on a bicycle, you are fine to continue riding it during your first trimester; however, beginning with your second trimester, you should switch to a stationary bike at home or in a spinning class to avoid the risk of falling. (The same advice applies to other exercises that might involve contact, like basketball, soccer, horseback riding, surfing, gymnastics, skiing, or mountain biking.)

5. Yoga

Many moms-to-be love yoga for its ability to tone muscle and improve flexibility without placing stress on tender joints. Skip the Bikram and hot yoga classes – the pregnant body cannot disperse heat as effectively – and for peak heart health, mix in a light jog or a swimming session once or twice a week.

Avoid any poses that ask you to lie on your back, which will put pressure on your vena cava and could cause you to feel short of breath, dizzy, and nauseated.

A once-per-week Pilates workout can develop and challenge core strength, improve your balance, and mitigate that pesky lower back pain. As with yoga poses, you’ll want to avoid any Pilates moves that have you lying on your back and be mindful not to overexert yourself, particularly with stomach stretches.

Even if you don’t take formal Pilates or yoga classes, stretching for several minutes in conjunction with cardiovascular exercises is essential for a complete workout.

While strength training is typically safe if you follow guidelines for pregnant women, check with your doctor before beginning a new weight training program. Always move in a slow and controlled manner, either with free weights or on weight machines. Do not lie on your back or hold weights over your stomach.

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