الخميس، 19 مارس 2020

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Causes &Treatment for Women’s Sexual…

four types of sexual dysfunction and learn more about exercise & women’s health?:

Sexual dysfunction is a common problem among both men and women. It can be caused by physical problems and medical conditions, such as heart disease and hormone imbalances, or by psychological problems, like anxiety, depression and the effects of past trauma.

There are four types of sexual dysfunction:

These disorders affect sexual desire and interest in sex, are also known as libido disorders or low libido. Low estrogen and testosterone levels can cause decreased libido, as can hormonal changes, medical conditions (like diabetes and heart disease), relationship problems, sexual inhibitions, fatigue, fear, depression, and anxiety, among other things.

These disorders make it difficult or impossible to become physically aroused during sexual activity, can occur in both men and women. The most common type in men is erectile dysfunction. When a person has arousal disorder, he or she may be interested in sexual activity, but be unable to get any physical satisfaction from it.

These involve the absence of orgasm or delayed orgasm, are a common problem with women, but they can also occur in men. Pain during sexual activity, stress, fatigue, hormonal changes and reduced libido can all lead to delayed or absent orgasm.

These involve pain during intercourse, can affect both men and women. In women, pain may be caused by vaginal dryness, vaginismus (a condition that affects the vaginal muscles), urinary tract infections (UTIs), hormonal changes during menopause, and other conditions. In men, pain may be caused by Peyronie’s disease (physical damage to the penis), infections like UTIs, prostatitis and yeast infections, genital herpes and skin conditions.

  • There are a variety of physical and mental factors that can contribute to the onset of FSD.
  • Vaginal atrophy
  • Trauma
  • Infections such as a urinary tract infection
  • Chronic conditions (eg. Endometriosis, Vulvodynia, pelvic pain)
  • High-tone pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Increasing age
  • Pregnancy
  • Cardiovascular
  • disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer survivors
  • Depression and use of anti-depressants
  • Anxiety
  • Guilt and/or shame
  • Past sexual trauma or abuse
  • Poor interpersonal relationship with partner
  • Body image issues
  • yoga for endometriosis
  • 20 to 30 minutes of high intensity exercise approximately half an hour before sexual interaction has been shown to increase sexual arousal in FSD. This is attributed to the increase in the sympathetic nervous system activity.
  • Exercise causes a reduction in anxiety and increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain.
  • Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to help to relax the muscles and the mind are also beneficial.

هناك تعليق واحد:

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