What are the causes of childhood obesity?
- eating foods that are calorie-rich (junk foods).
- easy access to high-calorie junk foods.
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the world, Parents should be aware of factors that contribute to childhood obesity.
These include genetics, metabolism, eating behaviors and physical activity, sleep schedule and negative events that a child might have experienced.
There are health risks linked to childhood obesity that can have a harmful effect on the body in more than one way.
Obese children can experience high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, breathing problems and joint discomfort, among other conditions.
Obese children are also susceptible to psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.
It’s important that you help your child develop a healthy relationship with food from the very beginning.
My best advice for parents and guardians is to keep it practical, primarily focusing on nutrition and physical activity.
Here are some steps in preventing childhood obesity:
- Sleep. This is very important. If your child sleeps less than nine hours a night, he or she is more likely to be obese.
- Make sure your child has a regular sleep schedule. This will also help your child have the energy he or she needs to get through the day.
- Eat healthy. Eating five or more servings of fruits and veggies per day can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer and early death.
- Get more hours of exercise per day. I recommend 60 minutes every day.
- This includes walking or any other aerobic activity. An easy way to make exercise fun is for your child to get involved in a team sport, play with other children in the park or go biking.
- Stay away from sugary drinks and snacks. Focus more on the produce aisle and stay away from high sugar drinks and high calorie snacks.
- eat fiber-rich, natural carbohydrates such as non-starchy vegetables, fruits and beans along with protein and healthy fat (like nuts, avocado or olive oil).
- eat grain products in their least-processed state possible (for example, stone ground whole grain bread rather than white bread).
- have a sugary treat, but do so only in moderation and after a balanced meal.
- family counseling to help support changes in the home.
- The prevalence of obesity decreased with increasing level of education of the household head, so very important increasing level of education of the household head.
- protecting the home environment: stocking your home with only healthful foods so that your child is not tempted to snack on unhealthful ones.
- role-modeling: parents who eat a healthful diet and maintain an active lifestyle will set a positive example for their child.
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