الأربعاء، 22 يوليو 2020

The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems

How in the World Could Snoring Exercises Treat Vertigo?

The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems
The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems
It is actually quite simple.
You see, traditionally, vertigo is caused by three major factors:

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Pressure on the inner ear (water buildup, in the case of Ménière’s disease, and infection with vestibular neuritis).

Lack of blood flow to the brain. Low blood pressure is often blamed for this. But bad blood circulation is a more common cause. This is what often leads to stroke.

Miscommunication between the balance system in the ears and eyes. The ears tell you to move in a certain way, and the eyes in another way. That’s why people sometimes fall down when they close their eyes.

The snoring exercises loosen up and strengthen the muscles around the head.

This does three things:
It increases blood flow to the head. Most people think the heart is the only source of blood circulation. But all muscles act as mini-pumps that help the heart. The muscles in the neck are especially important to get blood flowing up to the brain.

It triggers the lymph system to remove toxins and extra fluids from the head area. It also fights infection in this area. Almost everyone, for example, has stiff jaws. When you begin to loosen up your jaw, it triggers the lymph system around the inner ear (very connected).

This is the only reliable way to remove fluid and fight inflammation in the inner ear.

These exercises position your head in the right way. If you look in the mirror, I guarantee your head doesn’t sit completely straight on the neck. I never met a person suffering vertigo or dizziness that had his or her head positioned 100% correct.

Your neck joints are like a cabinet door with wrongly adjusted hinges. They either bang into the other doors or won’t close properly.

This blocks blood flow.
But more importantly, it skews the balance between your eyes and ears. Your ears feel like your body is positioned in one way while your eyes perceive your position in a different way.

When you work on the muscles around your balance system, your head will be rightly positioned. Your ears and eyes will agree.

and when that happens, you won’t experience the vertigo and dizziness symptoms anymore!
As much as the medical system would like to cash in on costly, “cutting-edge” surgeries, these operations are almost always useless.

More importantly, it’s scary to learn how often these surgeries lead to serious hearing loss (even total deafness), damage to the inner ear, infection and other complications.
What Does NOT Cause Vertigo and Dizziness!
There are many myths about vertigo and dizziness and other balance problems, and I need to tell you about the more serious ones…Myth Number 1:
Vertigo and dizziness is just a normal part of aging.

Absolutely not.

You shouldn’t accept vertigo just because you’re getting older.

It sets on people as they age because of an underlying factor that commonly affects older people.

I’ll tell you more about this in a second.

However, if you tackle this underlying vertigo and dizziness factor, your vertigo will be gone in minutes – never to return – no matter what age group you belong to.
Myth Number 2:
Vertigo is a direct cause of another disease.

Ménière’s, vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis are commonly blamed.

Yes, these diseases are associated with vertigo. But they aren’t the real underlying cause.

In fact, doctors have no idea what causes these diseases. They say Ménière’s causes vertigo and then state that vertigo is the main symptom of Ménière’s.

Like a dog chasing its tail, this just leaves you dizzier than ever and without a real solution.
Myth Number 3:
Medications and surgery cure vertigo and dizziness.

If they don’t know what causes vertigo, how are they going to cure it?

Now, I’ll always encourage everyone to listen to their doctors and follow their advice.

But if yours is not open to alternative methods, get a second opinion.

And when you have a doctor who is truly educated and honest, he or she will tell you that very few people benefit from vertigo medications and surgery.

In fact, the side effects are usually horrible. They’ll make your problems worse in the long haul.

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Common side effects of vertigo and dizziness medications are:
Dry mouth
Nausea and vomiting
Blurred vision

The food we eat has important influences on our health. Dietary choices can alter or influence disease patterns & progress.

For vertigo patients, a little tweak in their dietary choices can either raise or lessen their risk of a vertigo attack and the discomfort causing associated symptoms.

Some people start feeling dizzy after eating certain food while others experience improvement in vertigo condition after going on a vertigo diet.

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Vertigo or dizziness is just a symptom that can be caused by over 40 diseases of the inner ear, the nervous system or the brain.

It is very important to diagnose the actual cause of vertigo or dizziness by conducting diagnostic tests and then the specialist doctor will be able to prescribe medicines, rehabilitation therapy & diet based on the underlining disease.

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The vestibular disorders stem from the inner ear, causing imbalance or dizziness. It may also cause visual or hearing disturbances as well.

It is important to diagnose the cause of vertigo to manage vertigo conditions. It is necessary to understand, what are the best foods for vertigo and what are those foods that trigger vertigo and should be completely avoided.

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If you are suffering from vertigo attacks, you may try some of the food tips mentioned hereafter consulting your doctor.

How food affects vestibular problems
Vertigo is a consequence of certain problems in the inner ear.

It can be an infection, mechanical problems like dislodgement of calcium carbonate particles (otoliths), inflammation, functional disorders, weak immune response, increased inner ear pressure, etc.
The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems
The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems

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The underlying pathological conditions need proper medication and treatment. Dietary modifications may augment the effect of medical management.

Foods to control vertigo

Avoid These:

If you are experiencing vertigo conditions, here is a list of foods to avoid with vertigo:

Avoid consuming fluids that have high sugar or salt content in it such as concentrated drinks and soda. These are the foods that trigger vertigo.

Caffeine intake. Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, and colas.

It may increase the ringing sensation in the ear of the person who has vertigo issues.

Caffeine has been reported to cause cell depolarization making the cells more easily excitable. Caffeine intake should be regulated in patients suffering from Meniere’s disease and vestibular migraine. Caffeine is strictly restricted in the vestibular migraine diet.

Excess salt intake. Salt causes retention of excess fluid in the body affecting the fluid balance and pressure. High salt in the diet interferes with the internal homeostasis of the vestibular system.

Patients with Meniere’s disease and vestibular migraine are asked to limit their salt intake or you may start feeling dizzy and trigger symptoms even further.

Food rich in sodium like soy sauce, chips, popcorn, cheese, pickles, Papas, and canned foods is to be avoided.

You may replace your regular salt with low sodium salt as sodium is the main culprit in aggravating vertigo.
Nicotine intake/Smoking. Nicotine is known to constrict the blood vessels. Vestibular problems arising due to vascular constriction will worsen by nicotine ingestion/smoking.

Nicotine reduces blood flow to the brain and hampers in recovery by vestibular compensation.

Alcohol intake. Alcohol adversely affects the metabolism, dehydrates the body, and its metabolites are harmful to the inner ear and the brain.

Alcohol may trigger severe vertigo attack, migraine, vomiting, and nausea in a vertigo prone person.

Alcohol may interfere with the central processing of the brain hampering vestibular compensation and affect cognitive functions negatively impacting the recovery of the patient.

It may also aggravate vertigo by altering the inner ear fluid dynamics. Wine is a known trigger of migraine attacks.

Processed food & meat are some of the foods to avoid with vertigo.

Bread and pastries can even trigger vertigo conditions.

Fried foods should be completely avoided when you go on a vertigo diet.

Pickles and fermented foods may aggravate symptoms of vertigo.

The above foods are shown to aggravate the conditions leading to vertigo. Avoiding these foods can help stabilize your condition.

Include These:Incorporate foods that are anti-inflammatory and detoxifying. They reduce the swelling of the tissue in the inner ear, repair the cells, and ensure healthy cell regeneration.

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
Rich in potassium; tomatoes help flush out excess fluid from the body. Include tomato in your diet, it is counted as the best vertigo or dizziness treatment food.

These are rich in antioxidants, micronutrients and are anti-inflammatory too. Nuts are counted as one of the best foods for vertigo as they are rich in vitamins.

Nuts improve blood circulation in the body and inner ear, thereby reducing the inner ear pressure build-up due to excess fluid. However, in a vestibular migraine, nuts should be avoided.

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